Episode 040 - Workplace Spirituality

In this last episode of the year, I decided to talk about workplace spirituality.  What is workplace spirituality? Should we incorporate it into the workplace?  Listen to the episode and let me know your thoughts.

For suggestions or comments, please send them to psychchat@omnipsi.com or tweet to psych_chat
Please find below references to the studies cited in the podcast episode.

  • Hassan, M., Bin Nadeem, A., & Akhter, A. (2016). Impact of workplace spirituality on job satisfaction: Mediating effect of trust. Cogent Business & Management, 3(1), 1189808. 
  • Jurkiewicz, C. L., & Giacalone, R. A. (2004). A values framework for measuring the impact of workplace spirituality on organizational performance. Journal of business ethics, 49(2), 129-142. 
  • Karakas, F. (2010). Spirituality and performance in organizations: A literature review. Journal of business ethics, 94(1), 89-106. 
  • Milliman, J., Gatling, A., & Kim, J. S. (2018). The effect of workplace spirituality on hospitality employee engagement, intention to stay, and service delivery. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 35, 56-65. 
  • Mousa, M., & Alas, R. (2016). Workplace spirituality and organizational commitment: A study on the public schools teachers in Menoufia (Egypt). African Journal of Business Management, 10(10), 247-255. 
  • Osman-Gani, A. M., Hashim, J., & Ismail, Y. (2013). Establishing linkages between religiosity and spirituality on employee performance. Employee Relations. 
  • Pawar, B. S. (2009). Individual spirituality, workplace spirituality and work attitudes: An empirical test of direct and interaction effects. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 
  • Rastgar, A. A., Pourebrahimi, N., & Sultanzadeh, S. (2012). The linkage between spirituality in the workplace and organizational citizenship behaviour. International journal of business and social science, 3(18). 
  • Rego, A., & Cunha, M. P. (2008). Workplace spirituality and organizational commitment: an empirical study. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 
Episode 040 - Workplace Spirituality
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